Portugal. The Man has not lost their touch with their anticipated third release, “Censored Colors.” If there were ever a starter album for a band, then any new fan needs to pick this up right away.
The flow of the album is so smooth and subtle that you can barely notice the spaces between the tracks, making it sound as though the whole album is nothing but one long, epic song. Though, I do have to point out that the later portion of the album is supposed to be in this design. I have only heard a hand full of bands that can honestly pull that off, including Meshuggah.

The music sounds great, you just get the feel of blues, jazz, rock, folk and indie from each track. As well, the addiction of brass and strings instruments onto the album only helps fuel Portugal’s unique soundscape. The harmony each band member has between each other is beautiful and well executed on all the tracks. The best example would have to be the song, “Salt.” That’s just one of favorite songs that will never leave my mp3 player.
The main, if not only problem I had with the album is with John Gourley. Maybe I should restate that; I like Gourley, I think he has an amazing voice. He just rambles from time to time, which doesn’t help to understand his already confusing and diverse lyrics. Thankfully you have the lyrics on hand to help you understand, so no big deal, I guess. If anything, sometimes the album just drags, and you just want them to get on with it (ie, track 6: “Out and In and In and Out”).
One idea I took away from this album is that it’s a telling of African American’s hardships through the years. I know it seems weird and kind of insane to say, but if you listen and look carefully at the lyrics, you can get that from them. “Lay Me Back Down” co

Closing thoughts about the album is that I enjoyed and I can’t help but like it. I find myself singing alongside the band, dancing to the music, even going as far as playing air guitar to the song, “Hard Times.” This album deserves 5 out of 5 stars. This should be in your collection from here to eternity, so go out there and get “Censored Colors.” Enjoy your music!
PS: Here’s a song from the album. Have a listen to it if you’re want to hear what they sound like.